Saturday, August 31, 2019

Honors Program Essay

Malcolm Anomnachi UMES ID#: 1194723 Aundra C. Roberts, B. A. Program Coordinator The Honors Program/General Studies University of Maryland Eastern Shore Richard Hazel Hall Suite 2051 11868 Academic Oval Princess Anne, MD 21853 My Goals and Academic Interests There is a slogan in my country that says â€Å"A fool at forty is fool forever†; this could be explained to be an assumed concept that one who hasn’t realized his purpose or potential in life by the optimum time of his life (usually age 40), probably never will.My adolescent-hood was nothing to be proud of because I never acted like I could ever imagine myself having a successful future; I lived my life however I wanted without thinking about how my actions could affect me in the future. I was lucky to be given a second chance and since then I haven’t misused it. I have a lot of academic goals, but they shall all end up aiding me to graduate from law school. I currently finished a successful year at the Univ ersity of Maryland Eastern Shore, and I must say that it was exceptionally interesting and I put all other distractions aside to make sure that I passed in flying colors.I am a Criminal Justice major and I intend to use the knowledge obtained from my degree to pass the LSAT to go law school; I also intend to work at a Criminal Justice Agency of my choice while I attend law school. I chose to pursue a career in law after I realized my strongest ground was Arguing, I participated in a lot of high school debates and I usually got in trouble for excessively quarrelling with my high school instructors on class related matters of which I had strong oppositions for.I decided to channel this negative passion into a more subtle and legal manner; I also have a long history of relatives associated with the law so I decided to continue the family tradition to become a Defense Attorney. My grandfather, who was a Chief Judge in Nigeria, died in 1996, and since then his law firm has operated at sl ow pace, I plan to run the place by the time I gain enough experience in the years to come and do wonderful things. I have a lot of goals that I plan to accomplish, but the one I would like to accomplish now is joining The Honors Program at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore.I am looking for students that I can acknowledge as a challenge to me and I feel that most of those students are in the Honors Program. I think that this program will bring out my undiscovered intelligence because I always enjoy acquiring new information. I think one thing my father failed to realize in his lifetime is that it’s not always about what you know, but it’s also about who you know; if this opportunity is granted to me, I can meet different people who may be able to better my life in the future.It is through this program that I intend to graduate from this university and attend law school at Cornell University, which is also associated with the Honors Program at this university, so becoming a member of this program will hopefully serve as a helpful transition. As a student, I would be lying if I said I didn’t need a help in tuition payment. I hope that joining this program and putting my best in my academic work will earn some sort of scholarship. In a nutshell, joining the Honors Program will open numerous doors for me.I am a respectful student at this school and I maintain a good relationship with all of my instructors because I know that I am practically nothing without them. I strive for nothing but the best and that is why I wish to join this program. Apart from almost becoming a member of the Men’s Track and Field team at this university, I am also a current member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS), so this will also be a good addition to my accomplishments in my college life. My main goal at the moment is to join the Honors Program and to excel in it so I hope you can help me accomplish this.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Gender Bias In The Workplace And Pay Inequalities Essay

In 1972, the government attempting to correct discrimination in the workplace passed the Equal Employment Opportunity Act. This act protects individual rights and promotes employment opportunities and fairness for everyone within the workplace (Klingner & Nalbandian, 1998, p. 158). This act should have eliminated gender bias and pay inequities, but has it accomplished its goal? Are employment opportunities and promotion opportunities fair and equal to everyone? Does gender bias and pay inequities still exist in 2000, 28 years after the passage of the act? In researching this topic, I do find that gender bias and pay inequities are still prevalent in today’s work world. Because there are so many women and minorities in the workforce today, I will attempt to explore some of the reasons why gender bias and pay inequities still exist. Background Organizational Culture First, does the organizational culture attribute to gender bias and pay inequalities? In researching this topic, I find the answer to be yes. Many times, the organizational culture and climate foster workplace inequalities and these inequalities are maintained by group pressure (Hale, 1999, p. 13). Informal networks within the agency help to maintain inequality because women and minorities are traditional employed in lower status jobs and not allowed into the networks. These jobs limit their access to powerful employees (McGuire, 2000, p. 1). These informal networks tend to be personal, voluntary and have their own boundaries. You don’t join the network because you want too, you join because you are allowed too (McGuire, 2000, p. 1). Organizations have always been geared to the white male and these habits are hard to break. To accomplish goals of the agency, all employees must work together. Managers must build rapport with their employees and this is most easily accomplished by interacting with those who share the same background and who are most like them (Maume, 1999, p. 4). White men working and networking with white men. Many times the organization does not even realize that they are inequalities in their agency because they have always done it that way. People tend to get set in their ways and operate on auto-pilot and never see their weaknesses. Organizational climates are hard to change and it takes dedication from management to make it happen. Many times the management thinks, â€Å"If it’s not bro ken then why fix it?† What they do not realize is that the organization would be so much stronger if they diversified their workforce and let all employees excel to their greatest potential. Literature also suggest that gender bias is a result of institutional and attitudinal processes. White males simply do not want women or minorities to be in an equal position with equal pay. Not only do they not want it, often times they take steps to protect specific jobs from women (Maume, 1999, p. 9). The â€Å"good ole boy† network is hard to break. All organizations state that they are an Equal Employment Opportunity company, but many agencies are only promoting that image and not actually following it. Yes, they hire minorities and yes they hire females, but these individuals do not have the same advantages as men. Often times they hire just for quotes and this causes hard feelings within the entire organization. Rather than the company hiring the best qualified, sometimes they hire a minority just to meet requirements. When this happens, the Equal Employment Opportunities policy can adversely effect other employees through reverse discrimination which in turn causes problems for the entire organization through decreased morale (Hale, 1999, p. 13). Also, if the black or female fails or performs poorly, then all white males will assume that all blacks and fem ales will fail. â€Å"In sum, it is the relationship between social roles, interests, intergroup relationships and organizational culture norms and values that set the conditions that perpetuate unequal employment opportunities and outcomes (Hale, 1999, p.13).† Society and Personal Influences What we are taught as children in regards to roles of females and males overflow into the workplace (Hale, 1999, p. 14). â€Å"Gender is a culture unto itself, raised with basic rules of conduct â€Å"instinctively† known to all adult members of that gender (Heim, 1995, p. 3). The managers of today grew up in families where their mothers stayed at home and kept house and took care of children. They have been taught at home that men should be the bread winner and women should take care of the house. They are also taught that men are stronger and should be the leader of the household and therefore these behaviors flow into the work setting. Even the Bible states that a women should not be over a man. These beliefs are taught generation after generation. â€Å"Internalization and Identity encompass the learning and socialization processes by which individuals incorporate assumptions, perceptions, stereotypes, and misperceptions and make judgments about themselves based on the way they perceive others judge them (Hale, 1999, p. 3). Women feel their are invisible, isolated and irrelevant within an organization while men see them as emotional (Hale, 1999, p.4). Men and women are different and view situations differently. Literature suggests that men do not want to give up their power and are uncomfortable working with women (Hale, 1999, p. 1). Women feel excluded from power and feel socially isolated within the workforce. Description of a Specific Situation Job Segregation Another proof of gender bias is job segregation. Often times women and minorities are segregated or placed into certain agencies only because they are women or minorities. Social closure issues hold that society has defined what jobs are appropriate for males and what jobs are appropriate for females (Maume, 1999, p. 3). Many studies conclude that men and women are allocated and segregated into positions because they are either male or female. And this segregation affects pay and promotion opportunities (Maume, 1999, p.2). â€Å"Segregation accounts for approximately one-half of the gender gap in wages (Maume, 1999, p. 9)†. A National Study of Gender-Based Occupational Segregation in Municipal Bureaucracies indicates that women can be more successful in redistributive agencies (Miller et al., 1999, p. 2). Agencies such as welfare, social justice a nd health are more likely to support affirmative action. Society has taught us that women should be caring and nurturing and because of these traits, they fit into redistributive agencies. Many women will hold administrative and professional positions in these agencies and so there appears to be a gender balance in public welfare, sanitariums, and hospitals (Miller et al., 1999, p. 8). In a study in Los Angeles, it was determined that economic restructuring had a negative impact on African Americans. The unemployment rate among black males has increased more than twice the rate of white males (James, 2000, p. 4). At a first glance, it appears black females have faired better than white females, but that is not the case. Black females are more likely to be employed in public sector work or pink-collar occupations where segregation of females is high. Many black females have entered the arena because they have obtained higher levels of education (James, 2000, p. 6). However, very few of them have management positions, but are employed as school teachers, educational counselors and social workers. While all of these professions require at least a bachelors degree, they are still relatively low paying jobs (James, 2000, p. 8). It is also noted in the study, that jobs held traditionally by black females such as housekeepers are now held by Latinos. The Latinos are not g aining employment because of non-gender bias but because these individuals are uneducated and speak limited English (James, 2000, p. 7). Once again, minorities and females are being segregated into certain jobs. If government agencies are required to follow Equal Employment Opportunity rules and affirmative action laws, then why are females not getting a fair deal? One reason is because primary stakeholders in government tend to be male and therefore they support the hiring and promoting of men. Policy making, implementation, and management of infrastructure are usually dominated by men, following the orders of men. On the contrary, in social agencies there appears to be less male influence. This is believed to be caused by the fact that most businesses are not the beneficiary, but citizens. Politicians perceive businesses as more important than citizens because of the economic impact of tax revenues. Therefore, men feel they need men in areas of real power positions. This shows a direct relationship between agency-clientele on gender-based employment patterns (Miller et al., 1999, p. 7). Once again, the municipal study finds that females are underrepresented in the best paying or most power ful positions within city government (Miller et al., 1999, p. 7). Jobs are ranked by employers and employees differently. Employers rank them according to skills and commitment and employees rank them according to desirability and rewards (Maume, 1999, p. 3). One would think this process would be fair to everyone but, in many organizations there appears to be double standards to judge men and women. Women most often have to measure up to higher standards than men do to obtain the position (Hale, 1999, p. 8). Are employment opportunities and promotional opportunities equal to both men and women? No. Reskin and Roos conclude that women can move into â€Å"male† jobs â€Å"either because market conditions force employers to reach down into the labor queue to hire women, or because men reevaluate and vacate jobs, thereby creating openings for women (Maume, 1999, p. 3).† Women are traditionally segregated into specific jobs; thereby leaving men in their on world to compete with each other for higher paid jobs (Maume, 1999, p. 3). Men traditional have higher status contacts than women which also help them to maintain their positions (McGuire, 2000, p. 2). Glass Ceilings, Glass Walls and Glass Escalators â€Å"The glass wall metaphor describes occupational segregation attributed to employment barriers that restrict the access of women to certain types of jobs (or agencies) or that trap them within certain types of jobs (or agencies). Glass walls are likely to persist when: (1) organizational cultures create impediments to change; and/or (2) skills necessary to perform jobs in a given agency are not highly valued elsewhere† (Miller et al., 1999, p. 2). The glass ceiling is an expression used to describe the inequalities of men and women within the workforce. It seems that women can become employed in an agency but then run into an invisible barrier when they try to move up the ladder of hierarchy within the organization (Baxter & Wright, 2000, p. 1). â€Å"Although women held half of all federal government jobs in 1992 and made up 86 percent of the government’s clerical workers, only a quarter of them were supervisors and only a tenth senior executives (Baxter & Wright, 2000, p. 2).† Several studies in the employment of women conclude that women continue to face glass walls and glass ceilings in government positions (Miller et al., 1999, p. 2). In addition, women continue to find it hard to obt ain employment in male-dominated fields (Miller et al., 1999, p. 1-2). This further proves that women are segregated into certain types of jobs. The findings of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics suggest that white men have a glass escalator and a glass ceiling continues to exist for women and minorities. White men tend to ascend to managerial levels with little or no effort especially in segregated workplaces (Maume, 1999, p. 3). Initially one would think that females would have the advantage in a predominate female workplace, but that is not the case. Women are continually excluded from supervisory positions and are generally paid lower salaries even in those agencies (Maume, 1999, p. 1-2). Promotions, Job Devaluation, and Pay Inequities Segregation places different sexes into unequal jobs thereby locating women and men into different opportunity structures and affects promotion opportunities (Cassirer & Reskin, 2000, p. 3). Most female jobs then to have a shorter promotion ladder (Cassirer & Reskin, 2000, p. 3). The municipal study finds that females are underrepresented in the best paying or most powerful positions within city government (Miller et al., 1999, p. 2). These positions are traditional administrative and professional occupations. They convey status, authority, and usually influence policy makers (Miller et al., 1999, p. 2). The study concluded that specialists were more likely to be promoted to these positions rather than generalists. The subject specialists are generally from professions mostly dominated by men, for example, engineers or biologist (Miller et al., 1999, p. 4). The municipal study also uncovered two patterns within city government. First, female administrators and professionals were hired in lower paying agencies. Second, agencies with higher level salaries were agencies with more gender imbalance (Miller et al., 1999, p. 10). Again, women were more concentrated in health, welfare, hospitals, and sanitariums. It appears that the jobs with better pay were held for men. Literature suggest that men are more often promoted than women. Because of this, men attach more importance to promotion than women. In addition, men are more likely located in a position where promotions are possible. The organi zational culture encourages male promotions (Cassirer & Reskin, 2000, p. 1). This culture causes women to not value promotions because they know that they will not receive one because the company just doesn’t promote females or the promotion will be blocked (Cassirer & Reskin, 2000, p. 2). Another surprising finding within female dominated organizations is the fact that males still have the advantage in management. One would suspect that in a predominate female organization, the female would have the advantage, but studies show this not to be the case. Males seem to bullet up the glass escalator. Many times the promotion occurs because the male employee will bond with the male manager who will in turn mentor him and prepare him for advancement (Maume, 1999, p.5). Often times the male is promoted in the predominant female agency to boost morale and to decrease tensions (Maume, 1999, p. 5). The tensions develop because females think that the males can not do the job because they do not match the stereotype of nurturing and caring (Maume, 1999, p. 11). â€Å"Kanter concludes that sex-differentiated work behavior results from sex-differentiated opportunity structures rather than from gender assumes a casual process in which workers’ positions, not their gender, aff ect their work attitudes and behaviors (Cassirer & Reskin, 2000, p. 2).† Another interesting facet of gender bias is that when women move into jobs predominately held by men, the jobs are devalued. The autonomy, prestige and high pay are removed (James, 2000, p. 9). It is noted that as agencies become more and more female dominated, they are viewed as the dumping ground for females resulting in lower pay scales and limited job training (Maume, 1999, p. 5). Reskin and Roos conducted a study on labor and job queues to inform readers of the changing ethnic/gender composition of occupations and how it related to African American women’s changing occupational profile. They also found that because occupations were transformed to include women, the jobs status decreased and the pay also decreased (James, 2000, p. 6). The status composition perspective holds that organizations with large numbers of female employees are devalued in the eyes of an organization. The jobs held by mostly females are considered unimportant and lower skilled as compared to male jobs. Job evaluations prove that women receive lower points than men which means lower salaries for the females (Maume, 1999, p. 3). â€Å"Inequality in the distribution of earnings and income i s generally positively related to inequality in education and training (James, 2000, p. 9). I feel that this statement is not true. A male and female can be equally as qualified, but the male will still get a better salary. Literature suggests that even when females hold masters degrees, they still make less than their male counterparts (Maume, 1999, p. 2). Although women have made some progress in obtaining management positions, gender bias is still highly integrated. Ironically, gender bias is greater at the lower level of management than at the highest level of the organizational hierarchy (Baxter & Wright, 2000, p. 9). In all the research that I conducted, the same theme was prevalent in all articles. There is not equal pay for equal work nor is there equal opportunities for advancement. Conclusions and Recommendations In order to fully gain equal employment and fairness, traditionally male positions must be opened up to females. This is the only way to shatter the glass walls and ceilings that currently exist (Miller et al., 1999, p.10). Individuals concerned about equalities for everyone should press for the continuation and strengthening of local government programs designed to increase female re presentation and more equitable gender distributions of better paying and better government jobs (Miller et al., 1999, p. 10). This support must come from white males and not only females and minorities. In addition, organizational cultures must be changed in both the private and public arena. This process will be time consuming and will inevitably run into opposition from white males. Change is hard and many times people try to block it. In order for employees to embrace change, they must understand the changes and why they are necessary. If employees are not supportive, tensions will increase and morale will worsen (Miller, 1963, pp. 236-237). Managers at all levels will need to fully embrace workforce diversification for the value that it will bring to the organizations. Literature also suggests that educational institutions must get involved in teaching equality because they are preparing the leaders of the future. â€Å"Public administration graduate programs should more actively strive to strengthen equal-opportunity learning environments by exposing students to the way gender affects their work-lives and by better preparing students to face and overcome gender-based inequalities in organizations (Hale, 1999, p. 16).† The goal of educators should be to continu ally improve society. Many times schools have failed to recognize this purpose (Miller, 1965, p. 7). Valuing differences in employees creates synergy and the key to valuing these differences is to realize that all people see the world as they see themselves (Covey, 1989, p. 277). This makes the job of equality and pay equity so difficult. Men believe that it is easier to work with men and that men do a better job and therefore deserve more money. Their pride and egos tell them that women cannot do the job as well as they can. These personal beliefs must be changed. Pairing men and women together on teams will expand the male mindset and hopefully help them realize that females and minorities are as equally qualified. Valuing the differences of all employees can make the entire agency stronger because we all have strengths to bring to the agency. Intense staff development must be held to teach men and women how to communicate with each other. Men need to learn all they can about females and females need to know all they can about males. Society requires that men and women work together and this is not going to change. What has to change is the way we work together. Communication is the key. If we do not communicate effectively, then the best intentions of both genders will fail (Heim, 1995, p. 3). In looking at my agency, I can agree that gender bias and pay inequalities exist. Our agency has more white females than white males and only a few minorities. We have an established pay scale but the scale is not always followed.There is evidence that men are given more pay than women with the same degree. Also, men with lesser degrees have received a higher salary because of who they know and not because of their education or experience. Traditionally when promotion opportunities became available, the administration would automatically appoint a white male. The new President of the college recognized the gender bias in management. He put a policy in place that all jobs must be posted and that everyone would have an opportunity to apply for them. When he was hired we had one female administrator, now we have three. BIBLIOGRAPHY Baxter, Janeen and Erik Olin Wright, 2000, â€Å"The Glass Ceiling Hypothesis†, Gender and Society, Vol. 14, Issue 2, p. 275. Cassirer, Naomi and Barbara Reskin, 2000, â€Å"High Hopes†, Work & Occupations, Vol. 27, Issue 4, p. 438, 26p. Covey, Stephen R., 1989, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, New York: Fireside of Simon & Schuster. Hale, Mary, 1999. â€Å"He Says, She Says: Gender and Worklife,† Public Administration Review, Vol. 59, Issue 5, p. 410. Heim, Pat, 1995. The Power Dean-Even Rule and other gender differences in the workplace, San Jose, California: Cor Vision Media. James, Angela, 2000. â€Å"Moving up, But How Far? African American Women and Economic Restructuring in Los Angeles, 1970-1990†, Sociological Perspectives, Vol. 43, Issue 3, p. 399. Klingner, Donald E. and John, Nalbandian, 1998. Public Personnel Management: Contexts and Strategies (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Maume, Jr., David J. 1999. â€Å"Glass Cei lings and Glass Escalators,† Work & Occupations, Vol. 26, Issue 4, p. 483. McGuire, Gail M., 2000. â€Å"Gender, Race, Ethnicity, and Networks,† Work & Occupations, Vol. 27, Issue 4, p. 500, 24p. Miller, Van, 1963. The Public Administration of American School Systems. New York: The Macmillan Company. Miller, Will; Kerr, Brinck; Reid, Margaret (1999). â€Å"A National Study of Gender-Based Occupational Segregation in Municipal Bureaucracies: Persistence of Glass Walls,† Public Administration Review, Vol. 59, Issue 3, p. 218,

Thursday, August 29, 2019


These two levels are very different, and must be approached by those delivering the learning with awareness of the altered factors. Hence why all curriculums need to different to meet the requirements of learners. Pedagogy is when you are teaching learners that fit into the ‘child to adult' spectrum of development. This covers secondary school and some further education levels. When delivering the learning you need to be aware that they are not self motivated like mature learners, so you have to approach the teaching differently.They must be shown the benefits of what they are tidying to understand where it fits into the grand scheme of their education, where this subject is leading. If they are shown progression and a point to the learning, it will aid in their motivation. You need to constantly change the learning styles. This is true of all teaching, but more so with the pedagogy principle. Young learners need to be interested in the topic or the format of learning it. As th ey are at a stage in their education where it is compulsory, not every learner it the classroom wants to be there. This makes them harder to engage and keep engaged.Constant changing of learning styles will aid his. Androgyny is the second principle of learning. This deals with mature learners. This has the same issues as the pedagogy principle, just cased in a different format. Most androgyny learners are there because they want to increase their knowledge in a topic they find interesting, because they have chosen it. However, like secondary school, some learners are there because they have to be. Many occupations come with contractual obligations to pass a certain qualification. Not all those mature learners enjoy this aspect, so the teacher is faced with the same problem of motivation.Teaching mature learners also has barriers to learning. In the last ten years the face Of education has changed dramatically with the introduction on a large scale of IT usage. Some mature learners who have been out of the educational cycle for some time may find this intimidating. They may be used to certain methods of learning which are now defunct. These barriers have to be approached and overcome. As my subject specialist area requires a massive amount of work to be done have just adjust my teaching style and approach as not to isolate any learners. SE Mason's theory heavily for this and scaffold learning by delivering Photos at the most basic level. As not disengage the more competent learners I ensure there are an array of strength and challenge extension tasks embedded with the lesson and throughout the curriculum. When considering your curriculum and how best to deliver it, I use a broad range of principles. These range from. Behaviorism The behaviorism approach can be summed up by the term ‘what you see'. This theory believes effective teaching occurs when the learner practices the task until they learn the process of doing it.It base is that by reinforcing a es pouse to learning over and over again, the learner stores the information. Pavlov experimented with conditioned learning with his salivating dogs study. This has however been criticized due to the usage of animals as test subjects instead of humans. However, his experiment had some conclusive results in favor of what he suggested. Behaviorist's state that the learner gets pleasure from completing a task and receiving praise for doing so. ‘We should not underestimate the satisfaction and educational value which pupils get from satisfactorily completing an action, however simple', (Maryland 1993).This form of reinforcement can be very useful with learners that are not operating at a very high level within the cognitive domain. It is also effective within practical based work, which involves the usage Of certain tools or equipment. This method is used in competency based exams or work. I implement this into my teaching as I do like to praise good practice by having a badge system . This may sound immature but the learners really do enjoy it. The department has within a badge representing a different lecturer. The learners are task to collect as may badges as the can.We have found that the learners wear these badges n the lanyards as a mark of achievement and they have become very popular, with all learners trying to get â€Å"the full set†. The competition amongst the students is very healthy and it means that the learners try their best in order to achieve by positive reinforcement. Cognitive – This theory looks at learner in a different way. It is the learner, and not the learning task that is important, (Curran, 2000, page 91). Cosmogonists believe it is the internal changes that occur as a result of learning that is significant. How we gain and organizes the knowledge is key.They believe that we relate ewe information to existing information we already have. Our prior experiences influence the way we look upon a new subject and the way we p rocess it. The cognitive theorist Burner believe discovery learning to be the most effective and authentic method of achieving a real understanding of the underlying principles off topic, (Remarriage et al, 2003, page 77). He feels the learner will have a clearer understanding if they are allowed to interpret the information gained in the way that suits their individual internal structure better. He also claims that discovery learning can be used to teach anyone.Criticism of this theory states that it requires all learners to have a cognitive maturity that allows them to ‘self teach'. Not all learners' function upon such a high level of Bloom's Taxonomy is what they state. When look at these principles of learning and how I use these to help structure my curriculum, can relate both to my teaching and practice. Due to the practical nature of what I teach, much of my teaching takes the form of learning by doing. This behaviorism theory works very effectively within the format us e it. I have to teach my learners how to use the editing software as part of a unit deliver.The process I use is demonstration followed by practice. This is repeated until the learners have been conditioned to understand how to use the equipment. Whilst they are on task with this, I deliberately take a step back and allow them to learn through trial and error. Using this form of delayed feedback assists them in understanding the process better, (Race & Walker, 2003, page 83). Another element of this theory I use is immediate praise. â€Å"The more frequent and instant the praise, the greater the motivational effect,† (Petty, 1 998, page 59). Discussion session also form a large part of teaching due to the social tauter of the group.I take these opportunities to give immediate feedback to learners when they have raised a good or connected point. The results are very apparent with the learners becoming much more vocal when they have had one of their points praised. I use this m ore with the quiet learners to produce better involvement within the group. Looking at how I incorporate cognitive approaches, my attention is drawn to the research assignment my class produces. The whole point of the assignment is to lead their own learning on a chosen topic. The basis of this assignment is to research a topic with the idea of producing specialist area presentation relating to it. Unit The understanding of the policies and procedures is that by working with hillier and young people , is that the welfare of the child is paramount , and it is the responsibility of all adults to safeguard and to promote the welfare of children and young people . Adults that work with children are responsible for their own actions , and behavior . Adults should work and be seen to work in an open and transparent way .They should have the same professional standards regarding culture, disability , race, gender, language , religious belief and or sexual identity. Understand how to respond to evidence or concerns that a child or young person has been abused or harmed. The possible signs and symptoms , indicators and behaviors that may concern are as follows: 1: Physical Abuse , they may have unexplained marks on their body, they may hide them so no one can see.They may make excuses for the individual that is there abuser , There could be possible signs of sexual abuse, egg by having bruis ing in certain areas , like around the wrists in the groin area. 2: Mental and Emotional abuse , these is where the young hill/ person may look withdrawn, may not like to deal with people and may not feel comfortable around certain people which could indicate that one of these people could be their abuser. : Isolation is another form of abuse where the individual is isolated from others, and is made to feel that they are being punished. Unit The 5 foundations of networking are necessary for allowing one device to communicate with another, because without any one of those five pieces of foundation, the communication wouldn't work. Without the media, you wouldn't be able to connect to anything, since media is your signal. Without an interface you wouldn't be able to access any Information on your computer. If you TLD have a signal, you wouldn't be able to transmit any Information or data.Without a pattern, the formation of the signals to be Interpreted would be Jumbled, and misunderstood. Without timing, your information wouldn't be synchronized, and it could start a new pattern at any time. Exercise 2. 1. 2 Computers are able to multicast, and they have the ability to comply with different settings. Exercise 2. 1. 3 I couldn't complete this exercise or 2. 1. 4 because I do not own a computer with Windows XP on it. Exercise 2. 1 Review 1 _ The difference between a peripheral device and a hardware device Is, with peripheral devices they are dependent upon a host.Peripheral devices are things like printers, scanners, and game controllers. 2. I would want to limit the type of incoming connections that are allowed on a computer because you're using a lot of broadband to be able to handle bringing in that much information. The computer, or device would respond slower and slower the more your use It. 3. Peer-to-peer networks are beneficial because you can communicate with everyone that's on that network without having to get on another network. Its purpose Is to assist companies and corporations to communicate easily and effectively.LAB 2. 2 Exercise 2. 2. 1 In my pollen, buying a single $500 printer would be more cost effective than buying everyone their own personal printer. You would spend three times as much n paper and ink on every personal printer than you would on one single printer each month. Since office printers beginning sale runs about $600, if it's not in your budget to have more than one pri nter, it would be easier and more convenient for the company to get a cheap individual $20 printers. Exercise 2. 2. 2.If each printer prints 180 pages an hour and each user prints 22 pages an hour, if you only have printer, you're automatically overloading the printer every hour. Having four printers would prevent printer overloads or Jams. Exercise 2. 2. 3 My computer > network drive> Drive: R> Folder > Documents >Ashley>Izard Schoolwork> Networking connection failed. Exercise 2. 2. 4 Drawbacks of using a networked drive for storing important documents is the possibility of losing all of your important documents.The drive could become malicious and would have to be wiped. Exercise 2. 2. 5 Made new shortcut to internet on my desktop.. Exercise 2. 2. 6 You should verify that the network resource is connected correctly at least daily. If the resource is moved or taken offline your shortcut will not work. I turned off the internet on my computer and then tried to use the shortcut and t his is the screen I received. When network is turned back on it works normally. Lab 2. 2 Review 1 .It is infeasible to create a shortcut to every website you use frequently because you can add them as favorites to your internet browser. It wouldn't be probable to add every shortcut to a website that you use because it could slow your memory on your computer. 2. I do not think it would be a good idea to create multiple mounted drives for different folders because you will be dividing your broadband by however many devices you have connected. 3. Sharing resources is a great advantage in a network because it provides the ability to send information easily and quickly. Unit The understanding of the policies and procedures is that by working with hillier and young people , is that the welfare of the child is paramount , and it is the responsibility of all adults to safeguard and to promote the welfare of children and young people . Adults that work with children are responsible for their own actions , and behavior . Adults should work and be seen to work in an open and transparent way .They should have the same professional standards regarding culture, disability , race, gender, language , religious belief and or sexual identity. Understand how to respond to evidence or concerns that a child or young person has been abused or harmed. The possible signs and symptoms , indicators and behaviors that may concern are as follows: 1: Physical Abuse , they may have unexplained marks on their body, they may hide them so no one can see.They may make excuses for the individual that is there abuser , There could be possible signs of sexual abuse, egg by having bruis ing in certain areas , like around the wrists in the groin area. 2: Mental and Emotional abuse , these is where the young hill/ person may look withdrawn, may not like to deal with people and may not feel comfortable around certain people which could indicate that one of these people could be their abuser. : Isolation is another form of abuse where the individual is isolated from others, and is made to feel that they are being punished. Unit In this task I will be writing a case study about two different individuals who have different needs to one another, in order to complete an application for my second year to train as a social worker. Michael is a 79 year old man who lives in a residential care home because he cannot look after himself as he has dementia and forgets to do things like feed himself, wash himself. He cannot go out to the shop or even go for a walk about because he cannot stable himself to walk properly and finds it hard to walk around without being in pain because of his arthritis.When he was younger he used to work in the metal works making all sorts of metal which was used for buildings, doors anything that had metal in them Michael has made in the metal works. Michael even used run to keep him health and fit he would even do cross country running. Michael is an atheist who doesn't believe in anything and he still gets on with his life even though his friends believe in different religions such as Chr istian, Muslim. Michaels family live almost 2 hours away which means they cannot go and see him as much as they would like to see him and because of that he eels really lonely and that he has no one to talk to.Michael has one younger brother who lives abroad so he doesn't have a chance to see him unless he comes back to the I-J for like 4 weeks every year and if he comes to see Michael. Nancy is a 83 year old woman who lives in a residential care home because she arthritis, she has also broken her wrist which enables her to be able to wash herself properly, she also has bipolar disorder. Bipolar is also known as manic depression this condition can affect your mood which can swing from one extreme to the other.Nancy goes through a tag of depression every day after losing her husband 2 years ago and she thinks that she is worthless and that she cannot do anything right. Nancy is a Christian who follows the religion very carefully and listens to what is right and knows what is wrong an d she is strict by following the rules. Nanny's family come to see her every two days because they live 30 minutes away which means they can come see her more often and she likes that they come and see her because they are the only family she has got and she can talk to them and have fun with them.Nancy is the youngest r her and her sister but her sister never comes to see her because she has her own problems such as bad arthritis pains in her legs and her knees which enables her to walk. When she was younger Nancy used to love running, swimming she used to take part in sports for her school teams she used to travel up and down the country in order to take part in competing for her school team to win medals and for the school to win some medals.Empowerment of individual- Giving individuals enough information to enable them to make informed decisions and make choices about their life. It lies at the heart of the care value base, devised by the Care Sector Consortium in 1992. The care worker could empower Michael by getting him a mobility scooter so he can get out of the house rather than being indoors all day on how own. A mobility scooter is an electronic scooter that lets people who cannot walk properly still get out and about of the house.Also where Michael has dementia he tends to forget things very easily so the care worker could leave him notes in important places such as the kitchen, bathroom, and toilet telling him how to use the things that are in there and how to cook his food. This would help him physically because he is still getting out and about and leading a normal life also he would be eating instead of forgetting to eat. Intellectually it would help him because he is still thinking and using his brain to read the notes that have been left for him.It would help Michael emotionally because after years of being stuck in doors on his own he will be able to go out into the fresh air and go to the shops and parks on his own without worrying about not being able to walk properly, also it would help his socially because once he starts getting out the house he can interact with new people and tart making friends whilst he is out instead of having no friends and being alone.The care worker could empower Nancy by getting her a career who with her all day and leaves at night, the career would help Nancy to open Jars, fridges, doors and anything that Nancy would not be able to open because of her arthritis, and because of her broken wrist she is unable to do a lot of things for herself, especially washing herself when she is taking a bath or a shower. Also she could take some lessons on working on her bipolar in order to stop it from getting any worse and calming it down which is causing her to become even more depressed than she normally is and is making her keep herself to herself and not talk to anyone else.Physically this will help Nancy to get back to the way she was where she would talk to anyone and everyone in the nursing home . It would make her a better person for herself and others. Intellectually it will help her to understand that her bipolar is causing her to shut herself away from everyone and that she has no one to talk to when she needs people to talk to, to cheer her up. This will help her emotionally because she knows hat she would be getting help in order for her to get better and that she would have more people to talk to when she needs them.It would also help her socially because she can talk to people about her depression and losing her husband and she would make more friends whilst she is at the residential care home. Promotion of choice- Every person should be encouraged to exercise their choice or control of their lives for example by choosing which activities they want to take part in when they are in a residential care setting. An advocate can help them to understand that the choice is remoter by representing the individual and explaining what is important to them.Michael could have th e promotion of choice by being asked does he want to be able to get out of the house instead of being there all day on his own with no one to talk to or to make any friends. This could help him physically because he is being given a choice to go outside on the scooter or be inside all day. Intellectually it makes him think does he want to get out of the house into fresh air or being indoors all day doing the same things he usually does. Emotionally this helps him to feel as if he can o things on his own without any help from people and makes him think that he does have a choice.Socially this will help him because if he does go out he can make new friends and meet new people rather than him being on his own. Nancy could have the promotion of choice by being asked does she want to go to classes which could help her with her bipolar disorder which could help her to stop being depressed. Physically this can help her become a better person and a happier person all round. Intellectually i t could help her to become a stronger person fighting her own battles thou other people doing it for her and to become a better person like she was before everything happened.Emotionally it could help her see that she is bringing herself down and is causing her more pain and hurt. This would help her socially because she would be able to talk to people more about how she is feeling and what she is going through and she would be able to make more friends and be able to spend time with them more. Promotion of rights- Every individual in a health and social care setting environment has the rights to confidentiality, choice and to have their individuality acknowledged and respected. All individuals have a right to voice their opinions and receive effective communication.They must have access to the policies and procedures of the organization that is providing their care. Michael has the provision of rights by knowing that he has the right to choose if he wants to have the scooter and he has the rights to his own confidentiality by means of which no one else should know what his problems are. Physically this would make him feel better of himself because no one else would know what kind of problems are going on with him and only he and the career would understand what kind of needs he has.Intellectually this would make him think that he can trust the career and can tell them what it is he needs and nothing would be said to anyone else. Emotionally this would make Michael understand that the career is there for his needs and his needs only and would help him anyway that they can. Socially this would make Michael be able to talk to people more and maybe he could tell them what is the matter with him and they would understand. Nancy has the provision of rights by choosing if she wants to have a career with her every day to help her to open things such as Jars and if she ants to have classes to help with her bipolar.Physically this could help Nancy because she knows tha t she has a right to choose what she wants to do with her life a future. Intellectually this would help Nancy to think that she can have a career with her to help her do things more easily than doing it herself. Emotionally this will help Nancy to understand that there is help there if she needs it and if she was to ask they would help her and not turn away and leave her to do it herself. Socially this will help her to talk to people easier and understand that she can talk about her robbers with people.Recognition of preferences- When providing social care support for vulnerable people, it is important to find out and recognize their preferences. This helps to ensure that they are able to live independently and allow them to stay in control of their daily lives. For example individuals should be able to state their preferences as to the type of support they wish to receive. Michael has a right to recognition of preferences by knowing that he could live by himself if he wanted to but he would still need help to do the daily things that people have to do.Physically this would help him to learn to live on his own without lots of people being around all the time wanting to know his business. Intellectually this would help Michael to understand that he could try and do things on his own rather than wanting to rely on other people to do it for him and be more independent. Emotionally this would help Michael to understand that he could live on his own and try to do things on his own with the exception of a career being there for him. Socially this would enable Michael to talk to people more than Just being on his own and leaning with his problems and knowing that he can talk to people about it.Nancy has the recognition of rights by knowing that she could live on her own, if she wanted to but she would still need help to do the daily things that people have to do. Physically this would help Nancy to understand that she could live on her own but have a career there Jus t in case she needs them to help her wash and to help her get up from a chair because of her arthritis. Intellectually this could help her understand that they are giving her a chance to do things independently and not having people here 2417 doing it for her.Emotionally this could help Nancy to realism that she could do things for herself she don't always need someone there to make sure that she can do it. Socially this would help her to get out more and to interact with other people around and not be left on her own. Involvement of individuals in planning their support- Care should be person-centered which means that care is focused on the individual to ensure that independence and autonomy are promoted. A social care worker should not make any decision or start delivering a service without discussion ND consultation with the individual involved.Michael has the right to be involved of planning in his support by telling the career when he needs help and if he wants help rather than Just getting help when he don't want it. Physically this would help Michael to understand that he can tell the career when he wants or needs help rather than Just getting it and making him depressed. Intellectually this could help him to know that he can talk to the career rather than being scared and not talking to the career about it. Emotionally this can help Michael to know that the career is there of hey are needed and he Just has to ask for help.Socially this will help him to talk to the career more instead of being scared to ask in case the career doesn't listen to him. Nancy has the right to be involved of planning in her support by telling the career when she needs help and if she wants help rather than Just getting help when she don't want it. Physically this can help Nancy to know that the career is always there if they are needed and will help when asked. Intellectually this will help her to think that the career will always help when they are asked instead of doing it when they are not asked.Emotionally this will help Nancy to understand that she can do things for herself but the career is there Just to help her when needed. Socially this helps Nancy to understand that she can talk to people about what is going on and that she can ask for help when needed. Respect for diversity- Britain is a multicultural society and this has an impact on health and social care delivery. The value of diversity should be obvious but unfortunately many people lack knowledge and understanding of different cultures, races or religions, and may therefore become fearful of something or someone who is different.Michael has the right of respect for diversity knowing that he is atheist and the careers could be another religion he wouldn't asking for things that they perhaps may not like or might not want to do. Physically this could help Michael to understand that if he wanted something cooked that they may not like to cook because they do not like it in their religion th ey may not want to cook it. Intellectually this would make him think that maybe he could try and do it for himself while the career watches him. Emotionally this will help him to understand other religions more and what their beliefs are.Socially this could make him understand that talking to them about their different religion is good and so that he can understand what they believe in. Nancy has the right of respect for diversity knowing that she is Christian and the careers could be another religion she wouldn't asking for things that they perhaps may not like or might not want to do. Physically this will help Nancy to understand that everyone's religion and beliefs are different they are not all the same. Intellectually this would make Nancy understand that not everyone has the same religion and they all believe in different things.Emotionally this will make her think that she could try and do things for herself. Socially this could make her think that she might want to try and d o things for herself. Holistic approach- All care work is about improving an individual's quality of life by taking a holistic approach to providing care. Holistic care means looking at all of a person's needs and providing opportunities for these needs to be met. The career has the right to try and improve the individual's quality of life by taking the persons needs and trying to make the best out of them.Michael has the rights to a career because of his dementia. Physically this makes him understand that he is important and that his needs are trying to be met and looked after well. Intellectually this will make him think that his needs are important and that the career will always help him. Emotionally this will help Michael to understand that he can try and do things for himself whilst the career is there watching him to make sure that he is safe. Socially this will help Michael to understand that he can talk to the career about his needs and what he thinks can be done about them .Nanny's needs are that she has arthritis, broken wrist and she has bipolar disorder and the career should help her to do daily things so she can live a quality life. Physically this will make Nancy understand that she can still do everything that she could do when she had no problems but she Just has to have a career there to help her. Intellectually this could get Nancy to understand that she could try and do it for herself. Emotionally this will get Nancy to understand that she should try and walk around more to help her try and gain her strength again.Socially this can help her to know that she could talk to people about her problems and try talking to people about her bipolar disorder. Multi- agency involvement- Multi- disciplinary working is about teams of workers from all different specialist professions and services working together in order to prevent problems from occurring in the support planning process. Working well with other agencies allows for all the different optio ns to be considered and resources can be offered to be included in a support plan.It is extremely important for the service provider to be fully aware of the power they have in their professional capacity and not misuse the power. This means being aware of the conflicts that can emerge in relation to the individuals rights and needs Michael has the right to multi-agency involvement because of his dementia and arthritis which means that he could need a doctor and maybe the physiotherapist in order for him to be able to walk properly again and to help him to try and remember things. Physically this would help Michael to remember things instead or forgetting them instantly.Intellectually this will help him to start remembering people he used to know and how to things at home like shower, cook. Emotionally this can help him to become a better person and start getting him to do things for himself. Socially this will help Michael talk to people more without forgetting things. Nancy has ar thritis and bipolar which means she would need a doctor and maybe social worker so she can talk to people about her problems. Physically this will help Nancy to understand that maybe she should talk about her problems rather than keep them to herself.Intellectually this can help her to start getting rid of all the guilt that she is keeping inside her rather than letting it out. Emotionally this will help her to understand that maybe people are right she should start talking to people more instead of keeping herself to herself. Socially this will help Nancy to understand that no one will make fun of her if she tells them she has bipolar. Anti-Discriminatory practice- Discrimination is caused by prejudice which in turn leads to negative behavior.Discriminatory actions or behavior can lead to some people not having their needs met. Negative behavior can damage a person physically and psychologically and can also cause stress. Michael thinks that people will make fun of his because he h as dementia and that he keeps forgetting things easily than any other person may not. Physically this makes him depressed because e thinks that he is worthless, he can talk to doctor to help him understand why they might do that. Intellectually it makes him think that no one cares about him and they don't want to know him.Emotionally this will make him think that he is worthless and that he can't trust anyone. Socially this makes him not want to talk to people about his problems and keep them to himself. Nancy doesn't want to tell anyone about her problems because she thinks they might not take her seriously and find it all a Joke if she tells them she has bipolar. Physically this makes her down in herself and would ant to keep herself away from other people. Intellectually this will makes Nancy think why would she want to share her problems with people she thinks would understand but don't.Emotionally it would make her think that she is nothing and that no one really cares about he r. Socially this would make her not want to talk to people because they might make fun of her. Maintaining confidentiality- Every individual has a right to confidentiality and privacy and control over their personal details. Maintaining confidentiality has become a specific issue in principles and values. It is vital to successful care giving to keep information provided by all individuals confidential.Michael trusts the career to keep his problems confidential and not tell anyone else without telling him first and making sure that they could tell the other person. Physically this would make him think that he can trust them and believe them if they say they won't tell anyone. Intellectually this will make him think if he can tell them or not without them telling anyone about his problems. Emotionally this will make Michael feel trustworthy towards his career and would be able to tell them things he wouldn't tell other people.Socially this would help Michael to talk more to people ab out all thee problems he has and has confidence. Nancy trusts the career to keep her problems confidential and not to tell anyone else without telling her first and making sure that they could tell the other person. Physically this would make her feel as if she could trust their career and could tell them all about her problems. Intellectually this will make Nancy understand that maybe she could tell there career things and they wouldn't tell anyone else about them.Emotionally this will cake her feel as if she can put all her trust in the career and tell them things they wouldn't normally tell other people. Socially this could show her that she could talk to other people about her problems without being laughed at. Ml- Review the benefit to individuals and professional staff, of taking a holistic approach to planning support Holistic Approach- A holistic view means that we are interested in engaging and developing the whole person. You can think of this as different levels, such as physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.It's the concept that the human being is lit-dimensional. We have conscious and unconscious aspects, rational and irrational aspects. It is important for care professionals to help support the whole individual because it then helps the person in care to be looked after properly and have their needs met when it is needed. The purpose of this essay is to get people to understand what holistic approach and why it is important for health care professionals to follow and support the individual with the needs that they need. Five advantages of working in a holistic way for Michael and Nancy are, Empowers themMichael will feel like he can make his own formed decision and choose whether or not he wants to do something that he might not want to do in the first place. Secondly it can make him more confident in himself to do things on his own and carry out tasks that he thought he might not be able to do in the first place instead of the career doing i t all for him. Also he will feel more socially competent, he wants to go outside more by himself and try to meet new people every time he goes out. He has made a few friends who he goes and see and they come to his and they talk to each there or go for walks.Nancy will feel as if she can make her own formed decision because the career gives her a choice whether she wants to do something or not and the career doesn't force her into doing it if she doesn't want to. Nancy will have more confidence in herself to do the tasks on her own without the career doing it all for her which could make her feel as if she can't do things. She will also feel more socially competent she can talk to people a lot more than she used to before her career was with her, she is also able to go outside on her own meeting new people and making new friends.She can maintain a strong friendship with people because she likes meeting new people. Respects them and treats them as individuals Michael might feel respe cted and feel important by the career because he or she helps them to do the things that they cannot do.. Whereas the doctors think that he cannot do things on his own and that he has to have a career with him 2417 to help him get up and around the house or go outside and is concerned about his wellbeing. Michael will be treated as an individual and will have the right to influence the right kind of treatment that he needs and not be given the wrong type of treatment. Unit DO- explain how establishing a safe and secure environment can support the procedures necessary for accident, illnesses and emergencies. The layout of the environment in a setting should be suitable for the safety of the children. This means that toys, playing equipotent, tables and chairs should be age appropriate. If an accident occurred your role is to: check the child is safe, calm and comfortable, fill out and accidents form reporting the accident which is signed by a member of staffed the manager and parents.The accident should be reported in a standard nursery accident book. If necessary POSTED could be contacted due to neglect of the setting. The setting should ensure that engagements are provided for the number of children to ensure every child is safe, practitioners should know first aid and should be trained in the resources for the safety of the children and should m,aka sure they know how everything works. Whilst outside a secure environment is essential to ensure no chi ldren can leave the premises and none of the public can get into the scenting.To prevent accident happening in the nursery wet floors should be dried immediately to prevent children form running and slipping on it. Making sure all cleaning equipotent is out of reach of children and all rooms should be fitted with gates or doors to ensure a;; children stay in the room and don't wonder into dangerous zones such as the kitchen In a setting a clean environment is essential, there must be a cleaning Rota provided to ensure cleaning is regular and this Rota is checked regularly to ensure children can use a clean toilet area which is free of bacteria to stop children becoming ill.Young babies and young children's equipotent must've sterilized to prevent them from catching colds and illnesses, this s from the children putting toys in their mouths and their immune system being so weak. Hand washing facilities should be suitable for the children's age and the children should know the importan ce of washing their hands and that it prevents them from getting ill.To prevent passing on colds, when wiping children's noses, children shouldn't share tissues and between wiping each chills nose you should wash your hands to prevent illness. Simple procedures like making sure children have their own cups and plates and baby bottles aren't mixed up can prevent illness and infection between children Unit These two levels are very different, and must be approached by those delivering the learning with awareness of the altered factors. Hence why all curriculums need to different to meet the requirements of learners. Pedagogy is when you are teaching learners that fit into the ‘child to adult' spectrum of development. This covers secondary school and some further education levels. When delivering the learning you need to be aware that they are not self motivated like mature learners, so you have to approach the teaching differently.They must be shown the benefits of what they are tidying to understand where it fits into the grand scheme of their education, where this subject is leading. If they are shown progression and a point to the learning, it will aid in their motivation. You need to constantly change the learning styles. This is true of all teaching, but more so with the pedagogy principle. Young learners need to be interested in the topic or the format of learning it. As th ey are at a stage in their education where it is compulsory, not every learner it the classroom wants to be there. This makes them harder to engage and keep engaged.Constant changing of learning styles will aid his. Androgyny is the second principle of learning. This deals with mature learners. This has the same issues as the pedagogy principle, just cased in a different format. Most androgyny learners are there because they want to increase their knowledge in a topic they find interesting, because they have chosen it. However, like secondary school, some learners are there because they have to be. Many occupations come with contractual obligations to pass a certain qualification. Not all those mature learners enjoy this aspect, so the teacher is faced with the same problem of motivation.Teaching mature learners also has barriers to learning. In the last ten years the face Of education has changed dramatically with the introduction on a large scale of IT usage. Some mature learners who have been out of the educational cycle for some time may find this intimidating. They may be used to certain methods of learning which are now defunct. These barriers have to be approached and overcome. As my subject specialist area requires a massive amount of work to be done have just adjust my teaching style and approach as not to isolate any learners. SE Mason's theory heavily for this and scaffold learning by delivering Photos at the most basic level. As not disengage the more competent learners I ensure there are an array of strength and challenge extension tasks embedded with the lesson and throughout the curriculum. When considering your curriculum and how best to deliver it, I use a broad range of principles. These range from. Behaviorism The behaviorism approach can be summed up by the term ‘what you see'. This theory believes effective teaching occurs when the learner practices the task until they learn the process of doing it.It base is that by reinforcing a es pouse to learning over and over again, the learner stores the information. Pavlov experimented with conditioned learning with his salivating dogs study. This has however been criticized due to the usage of animals as test subjects instead of humans. However, his experiment had some conclusive results in favor of what he suggested. Behaviorist's state that the learner gets pleasure from completing a task and receiving praise for doing so. ‘We should not underestimate the satisfaction and educational value which pupils get from satisfactorily completing an action, however simple', (Maryland 1993).This form of reinforcement can be very useful with learners that are not operating at a very high level within the cognitive domain. It is also effective within practical based work, which involves the usage Of certain tools or equipment. This method is used in competency based exams or work. I implement this into my teaching as I do like to praise good practice by having a badge system . This may sound immature but the learners really do enjoy it. The department has within a badge representing a different lecturer. The learners are task to collect as may badges as the can.We have found that the learners wear these badges n the lanyards as a mark of achievement and they have become very popular, with all learners trying to get â€Å"the full set†. The competition amongst the students is very healthy and it means that the learners try their best in order to achieve by positive reinforcement. Cognitive – This theory looks at learner in a different way. It is the learner, and not the learning task that is important, (Curran, 2000, page 91). Cosmogonists believe it is the internal changes that occur as a result of learning that is significant. How we gain and organizes the knowledge is key.They believe that we relate ewe information to existing information we already have. Our prior experiences influence the way we look upon a new subject and the way we p rocess it. The cognitive theorist Burner believe discovery learning to be the most effective and authentic method of achieving a real understanding of the underlying principles off topic, (Remarriage et al, 2003, page 77). He feels the learner will have a clearer understanding if they are allowed to interpret the information gained in the way that suits their individual internal structure better. He also claims that discovery learning can be used to teach anyone.Criticism of this theory states that it requires all learners to have a cognitive maturity that allows them to ‘self teach'. Not all learners' function upon such a high level of Bloom's Taxonomy is what they state. When look at these principles of learning and how I use these to help structure my curriculum, can relate both to my teaching and practice. Due to the practical nature of what I teach, much of my teaching takes the form of learning by doing. This behaviorism theory works very effectively within the format us e it. I have to teach my learners how to use the editing software as part of a unit deliver.The process I use is demonstration followed by practice. This is repeated until the learners have been conditioned to understand how to use the equipment. Whilst they are on task with this, I deliberately take a step back and allow them to learn through trial and error. Using this form of delayed feedback assists them in understanding the process better, (Race & Walker, 2003, page 83). Another element of this theory I use is immediate praise. â€Å"The more frequent and instant the praise, the greater the motivational effect,† (Petty, 1 998, page 59). Discussion session also form a large part of teaching due to the social tauter of the group.I take these opportunities to give immediate feedback to learners when they have raised a good or connected point. The results are very apparent with the learners becoming much more vocal when they have had one of their points praised. I use this m ore with the quiet learners to produce better involvement within the group. Looking at how I incorporate cognitive approaches, my attention is drawn to the research assignment my class produces. The whole point of the assignment is to lead their own learning on a chosen topic. The basis of this assignment is to research a topic with the idea of producing specialist area presentation relating to it. Unit The difference between Proactive and Reactive is, Proactive is the strategies that are put in place to prevent challenging behavior occurring and Reactive is the way that challenging behavior is managed once it has occurred. 2. 2 Proactive strategies that are in place are removal of potential triggers, use of person centered planning for each service user so that they obtain a consistent approach from staff tailored to their personal needs.Reactive strategies that are in place are hat each individual service user has a physical intervention plan that has been agreed to by a multi disciplinary team, also with a consistent approach and debriefs after incidents De escalation techniques are constantly documented and plans updated. 2. The importance of identify patterns of behavior or triggers is crucial in establishing both Proactive and Reactive strategies to enable staff to constantly update plans, so that potential challenging behavior can be minimized and managed better, educing risk s to the service user, staff and others ,to improve quality of life and social inclusion. 2. 4 Person centered approaches enable the service user to have a constant approach tailored for there specific needs, with person centered tools, what is important to the service user can be identified and care plans put in place to reduce risk of challenging behavior. . 5 Positive behavior should be reinforced to boost service user morale and self esteem, o encourage better behavior and more positive outcomes service users should be praised when showing good behavior or achieving simple tasks, service users thrive in a positive friendly environment. Unit The 5 foundations of networking are necessary for allowing one device to communicate with another, because without any one of those five pieces of foundation, the communication wouldn't work. Without the media, you wouldn't be able to connect to anything, since media is your signal. Without an interface you wouldn't be able to access any Information on your computer. If you TLD have a signal, you wouldn't be able to transmit any Information or data.Without a pattern, the formation of the signals to be Interpreted would be Jumbled, and misunderstood. Without timing, your information wouldn't be synchronized, and it could start a new pattern at any time. Exercise 2. 1. 2 Computers are able to multicast, and they have the ability to comply with different settings. Exercise 2. 1. 3 I couldn't complete this exercise or 2. 1. 4 because I do not own a computer with Windows XP on it. Exercise 2. 1 Review 1 _ The difference between a peripheral device and a hardware device Is, with peripheral devices they are dependent upon a host.Peripheral devices are things like printers, scanners, and game controllers. 2. I would want to limit the type of incoming connections that are allowed on a computer because you're using a lot of broadband to be able to handle bringing in that much information. The computer, or device would respond slower and slower the more your use It. 3. Peer-to-peer networks are beneficial because you can communicate with everyone that's on that network without having to get on another network. Its purpose Is to assist companies and corporations to communicate easily and effectively.LAB 2. 2 Exercise 2. 2. 1 In my pollen, buying a single $500 printer would be more cost effective than buying everyone their own personal printer. You would spend three times as much n paper and ink on every personal printer than you would on one single printer each month. Since office printers beginning sale runs about $600, if it's not in your budget to have more than one pri nter, it would be easier and more convenient for the company to get a cheap individual $20 printers. Exercise 2. 2. 2.If each printer prints 180 pages an hour and each user prints 22 pages an hour, if you only have printer, you're automatically overloading the printer every hour. Having four printers would prevent printer overloads or Jams. Exercise 2. 2. 3 My computer > network drive> Drive: R> Folder > Documents >Ashley>Izard Schoolwork> Networking connection failed. Exercise 2. 2. 4 Drawbacks of using a networked drive for storing important documents is the possibility of losing all of your important documents.The drive could become malicious and would have to be wiped. Exercise 2. 2. 5 Made new shortcut to internet on my desktop.. Exercise 2. 2. 6 You should verify that the network resource is connected correctly at least daily. If the resource is moved or taken offline your shortcut will not work. I turned off the internet on my computer and then tried to use the shortcut and t his is the screen I received. When network is turned back on it works normally. Lab 2. 2 Review 1 .It is infeasible to create a shortcut to every website you use frequently because you can add them as favorites to your internet browser. It wouldn't be probable to add every shortcut to a website that you use because it could slow your memory on your computer. 2. I do not think it would be a good idea to create multiple mounted drives for different folders because you will be dividing your broadband by however many devices you have connected. 3. Sharing resources is a great advantage in a network because it provides the ability to send information easily and quickly. Unit The 5 foundations of networking are necessary for allowing one device to communicate with another, because without any one of those five pieces of foundation, the communication wouldn't work. Without the media, you wouldn't be able to connect to anything, since media is your signal. Without an interface you wouldn't be able to access any Information on your computer. If you TLD have a signal, you wouldn't be able to transmit any Information or data.Without a pattern, the formation of the signals to be Interpreted would be Jumbled, and misunderstood. Without timing, your information wouldn't be synchronized, and it could start a new pattern at any time. Exercise 2. 1. 2 Computers are able to multicast, and they have the ability to comply with different settings. Exercise 2. 1. 3 I couldn't complete this exercise or 2. 1. 4 because I do not own a computer with Windows XP on it. Exercise 2. 1 Review 1 _ The difference between a peripheral device and a hardware device Is, with peripheral devices they are dependent upon a host.Peripheral devices are things like printers, scanners, and game controllers. 2. I would want to limit the type of incoming connections that are allowed on a computer because you're using a lot of broadband to be able to handle bringing in that much information. The computer, or device would respond slower and slower the more your use It. 3. Peer-to-peer networks are beneficial because you can communicate with everyone that's on that network without having to get on another network. Its purpose Is to assist companies and corporations to communicate easily and effectively.LAB 2. 2 Exercise 2. 2. 1 In my pollen, buying a single $500 printer would be more cost effective than buying everyone their own personal printer. You would spend three times as much n paper and ink on every personal printer than you would on one single printer each month. Since office printers beginning sale runs about $600, if it's not in your budget to have more than one pri nter, it would be easier and more convenient for the company to get a cheap individual $20 printers. Exercise 2. 2. 2.If each printer prints 180 pages an hour and each user prints 22 pages an hour, if you only have printer, you're automatically overloading the printer every hour. Having four printers would prevent printer overloads or Jams. Exercise 2. 2. 3 My computer > network drive> Drive: R> Folder > Documents >Ashley>Izard Schoolwork> Networking connection failed. Exercise 2. 2. 4 Drawbacks of using a networked drive for storing important documents is the possibility of losing all of your important documents.The drive could become malicious and would have to be wiped. Exercise 2. 2. 5 Made new shortcut to internet on my desktop.. Exercise 2. 2. 6 You should verify that the network resource is connected correctly at least daily. If the resource is moved or taken offline your shortcut will not work. I turned off the internet on my computer and then tried to use the shortcut and t his is the screen I received. When network is turned back on it works normally. Lab 2. 2 Review 1 .It is infeasible to create a shortcut to every website you use frequently because you can add them as favorites to your internet browser. It wouldn't be probable to add every shortcut to a website that you use because it could slow your memory on your computer. 2. I do not think it would be a good idea to create multiple mounted drives for different folders because you will be dividing your broadband by however many devices you have connected. 3. Sharing resources is a great advantage in a network because it provides the ability to send information easily and quickly. Unit DO- explain how establishing a safe and secure environment can support the procedures necessary for accident, illnesses and emergencies. The layout of the environment in a setting should be suitable for the safety of the children. This means that toys, playing equipotent, tables and chairs should be age appropriate. If an accident occurred your role is to: check the child is safe, calm and comfortable, fill out and accidents form reporting the accident which is signed by a member of staffed the manager and parents.The accident should be reported in a standard nursery accident book. If necessary POSTED could be contacted due to neglect of the setting. The setting should ensure that engagements are provided for the number of children to ensure every child is safe, practitioners should know first aid and should be trained in the resources for the safety of the children and should m,aka sure they know how everything works. Whilst outside a secure environment is essential to ensure no chi ldren can leave the premises and none of the public can get into the scenting.To prevent accident happening in the nursery wet floors should be dried immediately to prevent children form running and slipping on it. Making sure all cleaning equipotent is out of reach of children and all rooms should be fitted with gates or doors to ensure a;; children stay in the room and don't wonder into dangerous zones such as the kitchen In a setting a clean environment is essential, there must be a cleaning Rota provided to ensure cleaning is regular and this Rota is checked regularly to ensure children can use a clean toilet area which is free of bacteria to stop children becoming ill.Young babies and young children's equipotent must've sterilized to prevent them from catching colds and illnesses, this s from the children putting toys in their mouths and their immune system being so weak. Hand washing facilities should be suitable for the children's age and the children should know the importan ce of washing their hands and that it prevents them from getting ill.To prevent passing on colds, when wiping children's noses, children shouldn't share tissues and between wiping each chills nose you should wash your hands to prevent illness. Simple procedures like making sure children have their own cups and plates and baby bottles aren't mixed up can prevent illness and infection between children

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Amazon Marketing Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Amazon Marketing Strategies - Essay Example Consumer needs can be determined through their browsing history and can stock up their inventory levels as and when required for future references or to determine the expected form of orders that a certain level of the market can consider as relevant. It is vital for the business to have a combination of a good retail supply chain workforce and technical people who would be available within the company for the provision of technical support in the company’s operations. However, the turnover for Amazon is very high. This is because most of the employees do not stay in the organization for more than one year. This paper has been documented in an attempt to establish the reasons for a high rate of turnover. The basis for the study is mainly primary and secondary research in regards to the factors that contribute towards the understanding of the study item. The section of the literature review explores the studies that have been made by the authors about this issue of turnover in the business environment. The topic of employee turnover has been studied and researched by a big number of scholars over a very long period. In the Human resources framework, the rate of turnover of the employees is the rate at which an employer acquires and loses his/her employees. The high rate of turnover is an indication of the fact that the employees in an organization would work in the organization for a shorter span of time. This rate is determined after a comparison with the other industries found within the same market. The turnover metric is determined by dividing the total number of parts workers who have left within a year by the number of employees who were engaged in the company for that particular year (Cascio and Boudreau, 2011, p. 80). The same metric has been used by Price in his model of turnover (Price, 1977, pp. 10-25) which may not be viewed as a recently published source but still plays a major role in contributing to the topic of employee turnover.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Strategy Tripod Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Strategy Tripod - Assignment Example 72). When it comes to global business, strategy is perceived in two dynamics, 1- strategy as action, and 2) strategy tripod. The ‘strategy as action’ perspective suggests that the essence of strategy is interaction because actions and reactions such as ‘competing aggressively’, ‘price war’, ‘attack’, ‘counterattacks’ etc lead to competitive advantage (Peng and Gokalp, 2011, p. 250). The ‘strategy tripod’ model sheds light on global competitive dynamic based on the major three perspectives, namely industry-based, resource-based and institution-based views. The Strategy Tripod The fundamental objective of the competitive strategy of a company is to gain sustainable competitive advantage in the industry. There has been a great amount of academic debates during recent years concerning competitive strategies to explain ‘why do firms succeed and often fail’. There are different approaches concerning competitive strategy such as SWOT, Porter’s five force etc. The strategy tripod is another approach to explain competitive strategy that states that a company’s competitive strategy derives from three main sources: the pressure of the industry the company operates in, the impact of the institutions that a company is surrounded by and the resources that a company possesses (Wallner, 2012, p. 12- 13). Peng (2008, p.14) identified the very fundamental four questions in strategy. They are: 1) ‘why do firms differ’? 2) ‘How do firms behave’? 3) ‘What are the main determinants of the scope of a firms’? 4) What are the main determinants of a firm’s success or failure? He elucidated the concept of ‘strategy tripod’ to answer ‘how do firms behave’. According to him, strategy tripod is a framework that states that a competitive strategy as a discipline has three ‘legs’, that are the basic three perspectives; industry-based, resource-based and institution-based views of a firm. Three leading strategy perspectives, namely industry-based view, institution-based view and resource-based view of the firm collectively lead to a strategy tripod. The industry-based view highlights the five-forces affecting an industry and explains that the strategic effort is meant to examine the five competitive forces namely competitive rivalry, threat of entry, threat of substitutes, bargaining power of suppliers and bargaining power of customers. The resource-based view concentrates on strengths and weaknesses internal to a firm, whereas the industry-based view focuses on the opportunities and threats that are external to a firm. Industry-based view thus concentrates on the O and T whereas the resource-based view concentrates on the S and W in the SWOT (Peng, 2008, p. 14). The institution-based view suggests that a firm and its competitive strategy conditions are influenced by the institutions that the firm is surrounded by. The three ‘legs’ of strategy tripod are explained in detail below: Industry-based view The industry-based view, which is pioneered by Michel Porter in early years of 1980s, emphasized that the primary principle of competitive strategy formulation is the relationship that a firm builds with its environment. External factors are the major determinants of a firm’s competitive strategy because these factors not only affect firm’s performance but also its way to achieving competitive advantage (Gao, Murray and Kotabe, 2010). Firms are largely depending on various external industry forces such as threats of substitutes and new entrants, bargaining power of buyers and suppliers and competition rivalry among the major counterparts.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Individual Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Individual Report - Essay Example As each level is attained, the entity that must provide motivation must look to the next level of needs in order to adequately find resources in which to promote achievement. Without a basic understanding of human needs, no other type of comprehensive framework will have any value. However, how those needs are satisfied is often subject to the way in which different cultures have created learned fulfillment. Where one culture may find that one level is easily satisfied, another may find that level difficult to attain. To be more specific, the people of one culture may find that monetary reward is enough to fulfill the needs expected through a work experience, where another may find that self-fulfilment is necessary to create motivation. While individual needs will always have the primary determining factor in creating motivation, those personal associations are framed by cultural learning that has defined the meanings behind satisfaction and how one is motivated to reach satisfaction . Terms of Reference This paper has been created in order to provide a framework for creating motivation within a multi-national team that has more than one culture to take into consideration when building a structure for incentives intended to build motivation within the organization (Halverson and Tirmizi 2008, p. 134). As a cultural consultant who understands the variety of nuances that go into the many cultures that inhabit this planet, it is my responsibility to make sure that the teams that are built within this organisation are motivated towards the goals of the company through focus on individual cultures that are then combined into a world culture that can be affected by the incentives that have been designed. Your organisation is involved with a great number of projects that are being worked on by teams with a variety of cultures coming together in order to get the job done. Because these projects take close knit focus that must come from individuals who have been socializ ed in very different ways, it is important for the company to best understand how to support the variety of needs that go into creating motivating factors. Without proper motivation, creativity and innovation on the projects that you have set forth for your teams will lag and the product will not reflect the level of quality that you have come to expect from your teams (Frey and Osterloh 2008, p. 21). Therefore, it is the job of a human resource consultant to help further the understanding of your organisation on how best to provide incentives in a multi-cultural team. The information that will be found within this report is based upon your need to find ways to motivate your teams. Through an understanding of how to create motivation across cultures, the organisation will find a more cohesive framework in which to create better team motivation towards the achievement of goals (Sorrentino and Yamaguchi 2008, p. 1). This paper will provide a better understanding of how motivation is c reated across cultures by defining what makes all human being similar, but then framing the question in regard to how different cultures interpret the satisfaction of those needs. Overview of the situation Introduction Currently, the company is seeing that motivation is not reaching all members of teams at an equitable level, therefore it is necessary to create this framework of understanding to better

The European Sovereign Debt Crisis Research Paper - 1

The European Sovereign Debt Crisis - Research Paper Example After a while, the deficit rate became enormous, thus leading to the rise of the sovereign debt crisis in the year 2009. Therefore, it is arguable to state that is the starting point of the European debt crisis. This paper will attempt to look at the causes and effects of the European debt crisis. How Greece became the origin and what other countries were affected by the situation. Finally, the current state of Europe after the debt crisis shall be analyzed. Greece had one of the fast growing economies and as a result had a massive deficit. As the global financial crisis came to pass, Greece was greatly affected. This was evident especially on the country’s largest industries (tourism and shipping industry). This led to lump sum spending to keep the economy going, but instead the sovereign debt increased with each passing day. With increased borrowing from the International Monetary Fund and the European Union, the Greek government was problem bound. Greece registered a debt of five hundred and forty billion dollars (Stein, 1). This is one hundred and twenty five percent of its Gross Domestic Product. Despite Greece making one or two mistakes, there were other factors that led to the crisis in Greece. External debts of Europeans states are at the center of the recent crises. In general, the debt crisis is associated with the budget deficits being in excess of the values provided by the Maastricht Treaty, and the Stability and Gro wth Pact (Ludwig Von Mises Institute, 1). These groups only focused on debt and deficit ratio ignoring external debts. Consequently, the laws governing the European Central Bank do not allow single investors and creditors to borrow government bonds in case of a crisis. Eventually, the debt crisis became alarming as the country decreased public benefits (Greece froze civil service salaries and in turn raised taxes and retirement

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Gospel Stories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Gospel Stories - Essay Example Jesus asked the servants to fill the empty containers of wine with water. After doing so, the water was turned into wine. The headwaiter tasted the wine; he remarked to the groom that they have saved the best wine for last. John commented that the "water was there for the Jewish rite of purification." The miracle of Cana happened before Jesus started His ministry. It can be recalled that in the story, Jesus told Mary that it was not yet time for Him to perform miracles. This strongly supports the fact that the time for Jesus' ministry was not yet come. Another important fact to consider in understanding the wedding of Cana is the situation which precedes it. John 1:50 states Jesus' remark to Nathaniel: "You shall see greater things than that." After the wedding at Cana, Jesus and his disciples went to Capernaum. However, they also opted to go to Jerusalem since the Feast of Passover is nearing. The wedding at Cana was followed by the story on how Jesus made a whip out of cords and drove the people who sold oxen, sheep, doves, as well as moneychangers in the temple. The prodigal son is the story of a father who has two sons. The father in the story owns a lot of property and is a very rich man. One day, the younger son went to his father and asked for his inheritance. The father, being a good man, gave his younger son the wealth that was due to him. Upon receiving his money, the younger son went to the city and spent all that his father gave him in worldly amusements. One day, the younger son found out that he no longer has any penny left. He has already spent all of his money. Having nothing to eat, he chose to be employed as a swineherd. It should be noted that among the Jews, swine is a dirty animal and a symbol of abomination and gluttony. However, the younger son didn't have any choice. In his hunger, he even thought of eating the food for the swine. Yet in this situation, he remembered the house of his father. He remembered how their servants were well fed and provided. Thus, he decided to go back to his father's home and ask him to become one of his servants. While he is still distant, his father recognized him. Longing for his son, he ran toward his long awaited son. The father took noticed of how his son his changed. He put on a new robe on him, gave him new shoes, and put a ring on his finger. He even asked his servants to prepare for a feast to celebrate his return. The fatted calf was also killed for the special occasion. Upon hearing this, the older brother became really furious. He told his father how he had been honest and industrious to him but he never gave him a kid to celebrate to his friends. However, his father told him that everything he has is already the possession of the older child. The story of the Prodigal Son is one of the best known parables of Jesus Christ. This is told when He went into the house of the chief Pharisee during Sabbath day. The parable is considered as the last sequel to the trilogy of The Lost Sheep and The Lost Coin. The parable of the Prodigal Son is also regarded as the story of The Lost Son. After this parable, Jesus tells another parable known as The Unjust Steward. Lazarus and the Rich Man Jesus tells what happens after death on the parable of Lazarus and the rich man. There once was a rich man and a beggar named Lazarus. Being very poor, Lazarus didn't have anything to eat